Obstetrics & Gynecology

Maternal & Fetal clinic
Infertility & In vitro clinic

Mon-Fri: 9 AM-4 PM
Hamra, Maamari Str., Beirut, Lebanon

Overcoming Infertility with PCOS: A Comprehensive Guide to IVF Treatment at Dr.
Ghassan Azar Clinic

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a common condition that affects the hormonal balance in women and can cause infertility. However, with the advancement of in-vitro fertilization (IVF) technology, many women with PCOS can now fulfill their dream of having a family. In this blog, we will explore the IVF treatment options available at Dr. Ghassan Azar Clinic for women with PCOS who want to conceive.

One of the most common treatments for women with PCOS is IVF. This method has a high success rate and lower risks of complications compared to other treatments. At Dr. Ghassan Azar Clinic, we specialize in treating women with PCOS and have a variety of IVF stimulation protocols to suit each individual case. Our team of experts will evaluate the patient’s case and choose the best medication protocol based on the ovarian response, testing estradiol levels, and performing transvaginal ultrasound.

During the IVF treatment, the patient will go through 2-4 visits for monitoring the stimulation before receiving the HCG trigger shot. The egg retrieval procedure happens 36 hours after the HCG trigger shot. The retrieved eggs are then fertilized in our laboratory with sperm from the partner or donor sperm, through traditional IVF or intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). Embryos will be cultured for 5-7 days and evaluated by our experienced embryologists based on the blastocyst stage. The blastocyst embryos will undergo PGT-A (preimplantation genetic testing) and then frozen for later use.

The embryo transfer procedure usually takes place between days 19 and 21 of a woman’s menstrual cycle, followed by a pregnancy blood test approximately 10 days post-implantation. The success rate of IVF in PCOS is around 70%, which is excellent for women with PCOS who want to conceive.

At Dr. Ghassan Azar Clinic, we understand that infertility can be a difficult and emotional journey, but with the right treatment and support, many women with PCOS can achieve their dream of having a family. If you or a loved one is struggling with infertility caused by PCOS, we invite you to schedule a consultation with our team of experts to explore the IVF treatment options available at our clinic.

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