Obstetrics & Gynecology

Maternal & Fetal clinic
Infertility & In vitro clinic

Mon-Fri: 9 AM-4 PM
Hamra, Maamari Str., Beirut, Lebanon

About Dr.Ghassan Azar

Dr Ghassan Azar is a pioneer gynecologist with multiple achievements that range from dicoveries and breakthroughs in the field of gynecology to multiple publications that have recieved world wide acclamation!

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His Major Discoveries

  • First one to discover the nuchal translucency marker of first trimester for downs syndrome published in the British Medical Journal 1992;304:867-9. Abstract presented at the British Medical Ultrasound Society (BMUS), 23rd annual meeting. Boummouth, England June 1991. Now a universal marker all over the world; where all pregnant patients are subjected to this test in the first trimester of pregnancy.
  • Pioneered in vulvar and perineal reconstructive surgery and all type of plastic repair.
  • One of the rare doctors to perform intrauterine foetal surgery as blood transfusion and surgery to lungs and kidneys of babies in utero.
  • Consultant all over the Arab World, delivering and operating patients according to tailored demand.  
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Facts About

Dr.Ghassan Azar

delivered 20 000 babies


Treated +30 000 women


Pioneer infertility specialist in the MENA region


30+ years of experience


dr ghassan easter (1)

Our Timetable









9:00 am - 4:00 pm

9:00 am - 4:00 pm

9:00 am - 4:00 pm

9:00 am - 4:00 pm


Our Clinic

Our clinic is one of the most advanced and updated clinics in the MENA region. It has all the equipment and staff needed to perform all of our procedures in one place.

30 000



Delivered Babies


Years of Experience

Dr. Ghassan
Latest publications

    1. Nicolaides KH, Azar GB. Pleuro-amniotic shunting. Fetal Diagnosis Their 1990;5:153-164
    2. Muhieddine Seoud M.D., Ali Shamseddine M.D., Ali Khalil M.D., Ziad Salem M.D., Nagi Saghir M.D., Kamal Bikhazi M.D., Nizar Bitar M.D., Ghassan Azar M.D., Hanna Kaspar M.D. Tamoxifen and Endometrial Pathologies: A Prospective Study. 
    3. Awwad, Johnny T. MD; Azar, Ghassan B. MD; Seoud, Muhieddine A. MD; Mroueh, Adnan M. MD; Karam, Karam S. MD.High-Velocity Penetrating Wounds of the Gravid Uterus: Review of 16 Years of Civil War. 
    4. Byrne DL, Azar GB. Nicolaides KH. Why cell culture is successful after early amniocentesis. Fetal Diagn Ther 1991;6:8486.
    5. Byrne DL, Marks K, Azar GB,, Nicolaides KH. Early amniocentesis is a viable alternative to chorionic villus sampling for fetal karyotyping. Ultrasound Obstet Gynaecol 1991;1:235-240.
    6. Azar GB, Snijders R, Gosden CM, Nicolaides KH. Fetal cystic hygromata: Associated malformations and chromosomal defects. Fetal Diagn Ther 1991;6:46-57 
    7. Nicolaides KH, Azar GB, Byme DL, Mansour C, Marks K­ Fetal nuchal translucency: ultrasound screening for chromosomal defects in the first trimester of pregnancy British Medical Journal 1992;304:867-9. Abstract presented at the British Medical Ultrasound Society (BMUS), 23rd annual meeting. Boummouth, England. June 1991.
    8. Nicolaides KH, Azar GB, Snijders R, Gosden CM. Fetal nuchal edema: Associated malformations and chromosomal defects. Fetal Diagn Ther 1992,7:123-131.
    9. Awwad JT, Azar GB, Karam KS. Puerperal uterine inversion: A review. Lebanese Medical Journal 1992;40:169-172.
    10. Awwad JT, Azar GB, Aswad NK, Seoud MA, Karam KS. High velocity abdominal penetrating trauma to the gravid uterus review of sixteen years of civil war. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 1993;168, part2:432. SPO abstract.
    11. Azar GB, Awwad JT, Mufanij IK. Pelvic spleen presenting as an adnexal mass. Acta Obstetrica and Gynecologica. 1993;72:587-588.
    12. Azar GB, Awwad JT, Khayata GM, Suidan FJ. Delayed interval delivery in a triplet associated with successful fetal outcome: a case report. Journal of Maternal Fetal Investigation. 1994;4:43-45.
    13. Awwad JT, Azar GB, Karam KS. Postmortem cesarean section with successful fetal outcome following fatal maternal blast injury. The Journal of Trauma. 1994,36(2):260-1.
    14. Awwad JT, Azar GB, Haddad FF, Suidan FJ. Abdominal penetrating trauma in pregnancy Lebanese Medical Journal. 1993;41 Nr2:70-72.
    15. Azar GB; Awwad JT, Soubra AA, Karam KS. Indomethacin therapy in twin-twin transfusion syndrome. Presented at the Second World Congress of Perinatat Medicine 19-24 September, 1993 Rome Italy. 2nd World Congress of Perinatal Medicine, Part 11,1993;993-7. Edited by E.V Cosmi, G.C. Di Renzo. Monduzzi Editore.
    16. Awwad JT, Azar GB, Soubra MR. Sonographic diagnosis of a urachal cyst in utero. Acta Obstetrica and Gynecologica. 1994;73156-157. 
    17. Awwad JT, Azar GB, Aswad NK, Suidan FJ. Uterine rupture in pregnancy caused by blast injury, resulting in maternal death and fetal survival. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 1993;13(6):448.
    18. Awwad JT, Azar GB, Seoud MA, Mroueh AM, Karam KS High velocity abdominal penetrating trauma to the gravid uterus: review of sixteen years of civil war. Obstetrics and Gynecology. 1994;83(2):259-64.
    19. Khalil AM, Nahhas DE, Shabb NS, Shammas FG, Aswad NK, Usta IM, Azar GB. Vulvar fibroepithelial polyp with mixoid stroma: An unusual presentation. Gynecologic Oncology. 19941-53:125-127. 
    20. Azar GB, Awwad JT, Karam KS, Nicolaides KH. Ear length: a new sonographic marker for Down’s syndrome. International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 1994;44 (3):233­238.
    21. Awwad JT, Azar GB, Hammoush RG, Karam KS. Bowel damage, a complication of dilation and evacuation of the uterus. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 1994;14(1):52-3.
    22. Azar GB, Khalil AM, Nabulsi M, Khayyata G, Sawaya JT. Internal podalic version for the second twin. Report of 90 cases. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 1994;170,part 2:344. SPO abstract.
    23. Khalil AM, Azar GB, Hannoun AB, Sawaya JT, Abumoussa AA, Karam KS. Reproductive outcome following abdominal metroplasty. To International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 1994;49(2):157-160. 
    24. Khalil AM, Azar GB, Karam KS. Conservative management of ectopic spleen. International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 1994;46:65-66.
    25. Seoud MF, Kaspar HG, Khalil AM, Azar G, Abumoussa AA, Kibbi AG. Sub-ungual metastatic choriocarcinoma: Report of a case and review of the literature. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology. 1996;34(3):511-512.
    26. Khalil AM, Azar G, Kaspar HG, Abu-mussa AA, Chararah IR,Seoud AF. Giant Cervical Polyp: Case Report. The Journal of Reproductive Medicine. 1996;41(8):619-621.
    27. Seoud MF, Khalil AM, Frangieh A, Zahed L, Azar G, Salti NN. Recurrent molar pregnancies in a family with extensive intermarriage: Report of a family and review of the literature. Obstetrics and Gynecology. 1995;86:692-695. 
    28. Khalil AM, Azar G, Kaspar HG, Seoud MAF. Ultrasound findings in placenta percreta (Obstetric case report). Journal of Obstet and Gynecol. 1997;17(3):280-281. 
    29. Nuwayhid, IA, Yamout B., Azar G, Al Kouatly Kambris, M. Narghile (Hubble-Bubble) smoking, low birth weight, and other pregnancy outcomes, American Journal of Epidemiology. 1998-1148(4): 375-383. 
    30. Seoud MF, Nabulsi M, Khalil AM, Sarouphin P, Azar G, Khalifeh R. Landry Guillian-Barre Strohl syndrome in pregnancy: Use of High-dose intravenous immunoglobulin. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 1999 Nov 78 (10): 912-913. 
    31. Seoud, MF, Shamseddine A, Khalil A, Salem Z, Saghir N, Bikhazi K, Bitar N, Azar G,, Kaspar H. Tamoxifen and edometrial pathologies: A prospective study. Gynecol Oncol. 1999; 75(1):15-19.

Chapters and Reviews

Thoracoamniotic shunting. Nicolaides KH, Azar GB. Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology. 1st Edition (1993). Edited by Chervenak FA, Isaacson GC, Campbell S. Little Brown and Company, Boston/Toronto/London. Volume 2, p 1281.

Abstracts Presented at International Meetings

  • Nicolaides KH, Azar GB, Byme DL, Mansour C, Marks K. Fetal nuchal translucency: ultrasound screening for chromosomal defects in the first trimester of pregnancy. Presented in the British Medical Ultrasound Society (BMUS), 23rd annual meeting. Bournmouth, England. June 1991 (oral presentation).
  • Awwad JT, Azar GB, Aswad NK, Seoud MA, Karam KS. High velocity abdominal penetrating trauma to the gravid uterus: review of sixteen years of civil war. Presented as a poster in the Society of Perinatal Obstetricians (SPO) 13th annual meeting February 8-13,1993 (poster). Sa:i Francisco, USA. American Joumal of obstetrics and Gynecology 1993;168,part 2:432.
  • Zahed L, Kibar Z, Mattar S, Azar GB. Prenatal diagnosis in Lebanon: A one year experience. 11th International Medical Convention of the Arab American Medical Association. (Amman, Jordan, June 20­
  • Awwad JT, Azar GB, Karam KS. High velocity abdominal penetrating trauma to the gravid uterus: review of sixteen years of civil war. 11th International Medical Convention of the Arab American Medical Association. (Amman, Jordan, June 20-24,1993).
  • Azar GB, Awwad JT, Karam KS, Nicolaides KH. Ear length: a new sonographic marker for Down’s syndrome. 11th International Medical Convention of the Arab American Medical Association. (Amman, Jordan, June 20-24,1993).
  • Awwad JT, Azar GB, Karam KS. High velocity abdominal penetrating trauma to the gravid uterus: review of sixteen years of civil war. 2nd world congress in perinatal medicine. 19-23 September 1993 Rome, Italy.
  • Azar GB, Awwad JT, Nicolaides KH. Ear length: a new sonographic marker for Down’s syndrome. 2nd world congress in perinatal medicine. 19-23 September 1993 Rome, Italy.
  • Azar GB, Awwad JT, Soubra AA, Karam KS. Indomethacin therapy in twin-twin transfusion syndrome. 2nd world congress in perinatal medicine. 19-23 September 1993 Rome, Italy.
  • Azar GB, Khalil AM, Nabulsi M, Khayyata G, Sawaya JT. Intemal podalic version for the second twin. Report of 90 cases. Presented in the Society of Perinatal Obstetricians (SPO) 14th annual meeting, January 24-29, 1994 (poster). Las Vegas,` Nevada, USA. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 1994;170,part 2:344.
  • Khalil AM, Azar GB, Hannoun AB, Sawaya JT, Abumoussa AA. Karam KS.Reproductive outcome following abdominal metroplasty. (Oral Presentation). Middle East Medical Assembly (MEMA XXIX). (Beirut, May 12-15,1994).
  • Azar GB, Khalil AM, Nabulsi M, Khayyata G, Sawaya JT. Intemal podalic version for the second twin. Report of 90 cases. (Poster). Middle East Medical Assembly (MEMA XXIX). (Beirut, May 12-15, 1994).
  • Azar GB, Zahed L, Frangieh A, Khalil A, Seoud M. Ultrasound findings in pregnancies from consanguineous marriages. 12th International Medical Convention of the Arab American Medical Association. (Abu Dhabi, UAE, December 1994).
  • Azar GB, Saroufim P, Zahed L, Khalil A, Sawaya J, Seoud M. Middle East Medical Assembly (MEMA XXX). (Beirut, May 4-7, 1995).


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 It’s time to make that pregnancy test positive!