Obstetrics & Gynecology

Maternal & Fetal clinic
Infertility & In vitro clinic

Mon-Fri: 9 AM-4 PM
Hamra, Maamari Str., Beirut, Lebanon

Understanding the Relationship Between Exercise and Your Menstrual Cycle: How to Optimize Fertility

Exercise is a great way to maintain overall health, but did you know that it can also impact
your menstrual cycle and fertility? By understanding the relationship between exercise and
your menstrual cycle, you can optimize your chances of conception and lead a balanced and
healthy lifestyle.

One of the key concepts to keep in mind is moderation. Overexertion can play a significant
factor when it comes to fertility and can cause hormonal imbalances that prevent ovulation.
Instead, aim to listen to your body and find a balance that works for you.

One way to do this is by understanding how your body responds to exercise throughout the
reproductive cycle. This is known as “cycle syncing” and while there are not many studies to
support it, having a better understanding of how your body changes can help you develop a
regular exercise routine that accommodates your cycle.

During the menstrual phase, light movements may be best as the body is shedding the
uterine lining. Try gentle yoga or a stroll through the neighborhood. During the follicular
phase, estrogen and progesterone are relatively low, so opt for light cardio activities. As you
reach the ovulation phase, energy levels tend to peak, so choose higher-intensity exercises.
In the luteal phase, the body is preparing for another period and energy levels may be low,
so explore light to moderate physical activity.

In summary, exercise is an important aspect of overall health and can be beneficial for
maintaining menstrual and fertility health. However, it is important to remember that
moderation is key and to listen to your body throughout the different phases of your
menstrual cycle. By understanding how your body responds to exercise, you can optimize
your chances of conception and lead a balanced and healthy lifestyle.

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